Dance Rules

Consent is paramount. Always ask for and receive explicit consent before initiating any dance with another individual. Non-verbal cues, such as extended hands or eye contact, can also be used to indicate consent.


Everyone is encouraged to participate and enjoy the dance. Regardless of gender, dancers should feel welcome to ask anyone for a dance.


When asking someone to dance, regardless of gender, it's respectful to inquire about their preferred dance role. Some dancers may prefer to lead, some may prefer to follow, and others may enjoy switching roles. Respect and honor the preferences of your dance partner.

Preferred Dance Roles

Respect personal boundaries of your dance partner. Each dancer may have different comfort levels regarding physical contact and closeness. Pay attention to non-verbal cues and adjust your dancing style accordingly.

Personal Boundaries

Treat all dancers with kindness, respect, and dignity. Engage in a positive and supportive environment that values the diversity and uniqueness of each individual.

Mutual Respect

Maintain good personal hygiene and cleanliness. Consider bringing an extra shirt or towel for perspiration during the dance.


Please be mindful of heavy perfume, cologne, or strong scents. Some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to certain fragrances. To create a pleasant environment for everyone, we encourage moderation in the use of scented products.


Dance in a manner that promotes safety for both you and your partner. Be mindful of your surroundings, watch out for other dancers, and avoid any movements that may put yourself or others at risk of injury.

Safe Dancing

If providing feedback during or after a dance, ensure it is constructive and offered in a respectful manner. Be open to receiving feedback as well, as it can help improve your dancing skills.

Constructive Feedback

Discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other personal attributes will not be tolerated. Create an inclusive and accepting environment for all dancers.

No Discrimination

Ultimately, the goal of the dance is to have fun, express yourself, and enjoy the music. Embrace the joy of dancing and create a positive atmosphere for everyone involved.

Enjoyment & Fun

Our covid protocol will follow the guidelines set forth by the state and will be updated accordingly.

Further, we will have a sign-in sheet for each individual to add their email address in the event of a positive covid test in our community. If you would like to be alerted of possible contact, please sign your email to the attendees list.

Positive covid test alerts will also be sent out via social media, mailing list, and via provided phone numbers.

Covid Protocol

Acts of violence or any form of physical or verbal aggression committed against any member of the dance community will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Such behavior poses a threat to the safety, well-being, and enjoyment of others. Individuals found engaging in violent behavior will be immediately

Zero Tolerance for Violence

It is expected that all attendees adhere to the established rules. Anyone found breaking these rules will be asked to leave the event immediately.

Compliance & Consequences

In cases where a person repeatedly violates the rules, three separate incidents will result in a ban from future dances. This decision will be made by the organizers to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.

Repeat Offenses

We are here to have fun, dance, and build community.

It's important to prioritize the safety and security of all participants, fostering an environment where everyone feels comfortable and protected.

If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable in any way please let a community leader know. We are here for you.